Calendar and events for Feb. 20

February 20

-USU Women’s gymnastics VS Boise State, 7 p.m. Smith Spectrum

-USU Hockey Club VS BYU, 7:30 p.m. Eccles Ice Arena, 2825 N. 200 East, North Logan

-Bust-a-Groove Dance contest, 7 p.m. TSC Ballroom,

February 21

-USU Basketball VS Cal State Fullerton, 7:05 p.m. Smith Spectrum

– STAB Mardi Gras, 9 p.m.. TSC. Free. 18 yrs. up w/ ID. Recycled Percussion, Granian, Chinua Hawk, Final Warning, Drag Queens, Dancing, Bourbon Street, DJ, Casino, Belly Dancers, Palm Readers, Food.

February 23

-Pride Alliance serving the needs of L.G.B.T. students, faculty, and friends meets every Monday night 7 p.m. TSC 335.

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* ASUSU Bust a Groove Dance contest, Feb. 20, 7 p.m. It is a break dancing, popping, hip hop contest. Sign up in TSC 326. There will be prizes from businesses in the area. Free.

* The writings of Mary Hallock Foote, a widely published artist in the American West, presentation by Melody Graulich, Professor of English, Feb. 20, 7:30 p.m. ECC 201.

* Institute Friday Night Activity: “Latin Night” sponsored by LDSSA and VIDA. Feb. 20, 8-11 p.m. in the Cultural Center. Fun Latin foods, a cultural performance and “Emperor’s New Groove” in Spanish. $2 is not registered for Institute, $1 if registered. The movie is free.

* Dance to live jazz-funk music! The 8-piece band Quadraphonic at Feb. 21, 7 p.m., Bullen Center, 43 S Main. Fundraiser for Valley Dance Ensemble and the USU Outdoor Recreation Center. tickets $10. Info. 797-3264

* Free Workshop for Homeowners. Learn about repairs, landscaping, organizing, securing your budget, and improving your home’s equity. Feb. 21, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30, Family Life Center 493 N. 700 E. Registration 797-7224.

* Kappa Delta is having their Shamrock Frenzy Feb. 21 to prepare for their “Star Search” charity talent show. “Star Search” March 25 and auditions will be held at the first of March. Begin practicing your talent. Info. email

* Slide across the snow! USU ORC cross-country ski tour February 21, 8 a.m. -11 a.m. Free. Register ORC; equipment rentals are also available. Info. 797-3264

* Fred Simpson African Drumming workshop from 10 a.m.- noon Feb. 21, HPER 102 and cost is $15. Some hand drums will be available. Pre-registration recommended at USU ORC or 797-3264

* Kim Strunk African Dance workshop Feb. 21 1-3 p.m. Live drumming conducted by Fred Simpson. HPER 102 $15. Pre-registration recommended.

* Now that you’re engaged, give your marriage a “Smart Start” by making an appointment for one FREE premarital therapy session at the USU Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic. Appointment or information call 797-7430. Also “Smart Start” financial counseling workshop beginning in May. Call Housing and Financial Counseling office 797-7224 or Family Life Center, 493 North 700 East.

* Deadlines for Study Abroad Summer Programs in Chile and Costa Rica have been extended. If you haven’t decided on what to do this summer, here’s your chance!

* Carrying on the Native Tradition, Feb. 27 – 28, USU Nelson Fieldhouse. Call 797-2891 for information

* Get an Game Day T-shirt for $5 with your USU card at the USU Card Office TSC 212. Wear your game day T-shirt for Aggie home games. Go Aggies!

* Free math tutoring. Engineering 106 Monday – Friday 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Math 0900 – 2250 and States 1040 – 3000. Mountain View towers Monday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Math 0900 – 2250. Info 797-1128

* American Mothers of Utah Interfaith Service “The Affect of Music on the Family,” Feb. 29, 7:00 p.m. Tabernacle in downtown Logan. Craig Jessop, Director of the MormonTabernacle Choir will speak, Air Force ROTC patriotic program, Boys Scouts Parade of Flags, New Horizons choir, and Pastor Kevin Skidmore.

* The USU Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic provides individual, marital, and family therapy. Therapy is individualized to meet the unique needs and situations of clients. Therapy is provided by graduate students completing their M.S. degrees under supervision of clinical faculty on a sliding fee scale basis. For more information or to make an appointment, please call 797-7430. Appointments are available during both day and evening hours.

* Students who need financial assistance to get their pets spayed or neutered may receive a $10 rebate from the Cache Humane Society and their veterinarian throughout Feb. Pet owners needing the assistance should ask their vet or call CHS at (435) 792-3920.

* Heart t’ Heart LDS 12-Step meetings: General (any problem) – Sundays, 7:00 p.m., LDS chapel @ 500 E 800 N, room 17. Men’s Sexual Addiction – Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. @ the Logan Library in room 2. Overeating – Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., LDS chapel @ 250 W. 1200 N. first room on the right. Information or call 245-4744