LETTER: Stop the nudity in locker rooms

Dear Editor,

As this semester is nearing its end, it is the end of my sixth semester at USU. Over the course of this time, I have on many occasions, taken advantage of the HPER Building.

This includes the women’s locker room. Any of you who use the women’s locker room will understand me when I say the excessive nudity has got to stop.

I understand it is a locker room and the locker room is a place for people to change their clothes and to shower, but I ask the nudity be limited to just that. I have seen women roam around freely, absolutely stark naked. Women leave the shower to walk to their locker carrying their towel. Is it that much more difficult to wrap it around you?

Just a few weeks ago, as I’m tying up my gym shoes, a woman just to the left of me begins blow drying her hair in the nude. Is there truly a need for this type of behavior?

I would classify this type of behavior as a social problem. The definition of a social problem is a social condition or behavior people believe warrants public concern and collective action to bring about change. Excessive nudity in the locker room is a social condition that brings about concern in this member of the public. So given this definition, excessive nudity in the locker room is a social problem.

I cannot solve this problem alone. Fellow users of the women’s locker room, I ask you to cover up. You have a towel, so use it. Put your clothes on. You can wear nothing but a trench coat for all I care, just cover up. The excessive nudity has got to stop.

Katie Benson