Dinners and receptions held to celebrate students

Jennifer Brennan

Before President Kermit L. Hall’s State of the University Address, a student showcase was displayed from 3 to 4 p.m.

The student showcase highlighted students’ achievements and projects in various departments.

One of the many projects on display dealt with agricultural waste management.

Todd Miller, majoring in nutrition and food science, was delighted to share the success of the project. Making re-usable bi-products was the key to the project, he said.

After the showcase and address, a public reception followed. Many offered comments on President Hall’s goals.

“The focus is on students so strongly, I don’t think there could be any mistake,” said Fred R. Hunsaker, vice president for Administrative Services.

John DeVilbiss, public relations and marketing director, has been at Utah State University for 11 years. When relating President Hall’s address to addresses in the past, he said, the main difference was how focused the speech was.

“He’s serious about establishing a benchmark. He was very specific,” DeVilbiss said.

The address provided a “clear direction of understanding, what our challenges are and what to do to reach those goals,” he said.

When asked to describe President Hall, Phyllis Hall – President Hall’s wife – said, he is “courageous, hard-working and keeps things in perspective.”

A private reception was held for all who contributed to the Inaugural Scholarship Fund.

Kathryn Wanlass, a contributor to the fund, said, “It is absolutely essential. There’s never enough money to do the things we need to do.”

Barre Burgon, member of the Board of Trustees said, “We’re impressed with President Hall.”

Following the receptions, a dinner was held in honor of the contributors and to award the first four Inaugural Student Scholarships.

On a display board was a list of hundreds of the scholarship contributors, including faculty, community members, religious leaders, leaders of Utah and many others.

The four Inaugural Scholarship recipients were Sharalyn Jenson, art major; Tamera Mitchell, engineering major; Cody Pehrson, electrical engineering major and Lisa M. Snow, agribusiness major.

The reception dinner was a reflection of USU students. Students in the dietetics program coordinated the food. Students in culinary arts food service management served the food. The flower arrangements were prepared by the Horticulture students. There were also table decorations displaying student art.

Entertainment was provided by USU Chamber Singers.

Following the dinner, Associated Students of Utah State University President Steve Palmer presented President Hall with a $6,500 check, which represented all the money raised last week during ASUSU’s donation activities for the fund.