LETTER: America simply needs justice

Dear Editor,

In a recent letter published in The Utah Statesman Sept. 19, a student expressed his feelings about the recent attacks on our country.

He wrote, “Literally hours after the collision, the towers of the World Trade Center gave way, toppling down and permanently scarring the horizon of freedom they had so recently represented.”

I was taken back and even offended that he, along with other members of the media covering this horrific event, had the audacity to imply that freedom “is” the World Trade Towers. I believe freedom is not a structure that dominates a horizon. Freedom is a way of life that was paid for by the blood of so many men and women willing to fight and die for what they believe. If freedom was composed in these structures, then life throughout America as we know it would have fallen alongside these buildings.

Because freedom is not composed of concrete, glass or steel, we were able to, as a nation, become stronger and unite in reaction to the loss of so many fellow Americans. The horizon of Manhattan is permanently scarred, but freedom, the soul of our nation, refuses to be crippled by twisted steel of fallen structures.

Jared Nielson