LETTER: True religion does not promote violence

Dear Editor,

Fanaticism remains a possibility as long as the human race promotes individuality and values personal opinion. Religion alone does not promote tension or warfare. Only those who take religious beliefs to extremes cause the hatred and violence to which the United States has recently been exposed.

We must not merely blame religion. Any way of thinking such as political affiliation or even preference toward a particular sports team can breed fanatics among the followers. Evidence of extreme thinking in these and other areas appears far too often in the news.

Indeed, where does our nations “humanity” come from? I have studied many religions such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity. I hope to learn about as many as I can. If members of each religion would truly adhere to what their organizations teach, then more peace, tolerance and equality would exist in the country and the world. I include feelings toward agnostics and atheists; toward all groups who do not share the same set of beliefs.

True religion does not promote hatred. Fear and pride are what should be eliminated. Those who would manipulate ideas for their own personal advantage give religion and any philosophy bad reputations. May we all show more tolerance of different viewpoints rather than attempt to impose our opinions on others, or minimize freedom of religion and expression.

Juan-Carlos Mackay