REVIEW: Rocky Point

Justin Berry

The October chill is in the air, and with Halloween just around the corner it is time to experience the thrill of the Rocky Point Haunted House.

Though the house is located at 3400 S. State St. in Salt Lake City, it is worth the drive down. It is best to arrive between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. to avoid the longer lines. Even with the lines, Rocky Point is worth the wait.

The attention to detail in the house is evident at the entrance where a courtyard has been created for thrill seekers to wait.

Once into the house itself, guests are treated to a graveyard experience like no others.

Zombies wander the dimly lit room and only fade when the Odyssey dance troop from Orem performs their rendition of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

The actual entrance to the haunted house is through the front door of the Haunted Mansion which sits on the edge of the graveyard. The attention to detail is evident here as well with real grass brought in to cover what would be the front yard of the home.

The actors and the sets combine to bring many movie and horror story nightmares to life. Each character seems to know who they are and what their job is – to give every guest a good scare.

Rocky Point has seen many improvements this year. Many of the sets have been redesigned and new costumes have been added to enhance the effect. A new room devoted to the Jurassic Park movies has also been added. This new addition is no disappointment and offers some of the greatest moments in the halls of terror.

The use of lighting, fog and deep pounding music also help to enhance the effect of being caught in a nightmare. There is something for everyone, including the traditional chainsaw.

Truly the only drawback to the whole experience came when people got backed up inside the house.

Rocky Point is a must for the Halloween enthusiast and anyone looking for a great way to spend an evening away from school.

No other Haunted House in Utah can claim to be the best and actually mean it.

Grade: A