Organizations need to update info.

I was interested in joining the Intramural tennis program this week. I accessed the Intramural webpage from the USU website and the information listed stated that tennis registration was open until September 13th and play would begin on the 18th. I went to the Intramural office to register on September 11th, however, registration was closed and schedules already made. I was furious that I could not participate because the information on the website was incorrect.

I apologize for singling out the Intramural program, but organizations at this University need to make sure that information is updated. There have been several times where I personally have missed out because of this problem. Faculty, advisors, administration, and ASUSU encourage us to get involved, but how can we when dates and other important information are not correct or updated in a timely manner? I commend those organizations who are making an extra effort to ensure correct information about meetings and activities. For those of you who are lacking in this area, I suggest you start to correct this problem today.

Scott Brown317-04-9529752-3192