Ben Nichols

This letter is in response to the “Statesman Soapbox” written on Wednesday by Ben Nichols. Ben, you are an idot. You clearly have made no attempt to inform yourself of the issue at hand before you tried to “be the man”. How do you call yourself a journalist if you have no journalistic integrity? It is evident to anyone who knows anything about Shane Sessions that the only research you did on this article is to read the incorrect information your paper printed and then draw your own irrational conclusions. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was as arrogant and lazy as you. President Hall is right, our admission standards are obviously way too low. Please quit writting for money and get your degree in Liberal Arts; your article isn’t even worthy of a high school paper. I’ll let Officer Sessions worry about himself, he doesn’t need my stamp of aproval. Please do the world a favor and at least try to research you next topic. In the true “Billy Madison” fashion, we are all dumber for having heard your opinion.

Michael Monson797-6634