Campus and Community Briefs

Aggie Blue pride light honors events

Utah State University will illuminate Old Main’s “A” in blue lights, Wednesday and Thursday in honor of Patriot’s Day.

A special tribute in honor of the heroes and victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks will be held in the Kent Concert Hall tonight at 7 p.m. and then move to the Old Main Quad at 8:30 p.m. All students and community members are invited.

President Kermit J. Hall will also give the State of the University Address Sept. 12. Ten university goals will be presented along with plans to accomplish them. The Utah State Board of Regents and the USU Board of Trustees will be in attendance.

Changes for traffic control being made

Changes in pavement markings and installment of signs at the intersection of 1000 North and 600 East will be made the week of Sept. 16 to make the intersection a four-way stop.

This is being done to help control and improve the traffic flow of that intersection.

Drivers are cautioned to be alert and attentive while construction workers will be working with different equipment to complete the change. They should watch for signs and pavement markings. Because this is an off-set intersection, it will require alertness and courtesy as people get used to the new layout.

USU starts new e-news service

Utah State University became one of the first campuses in the nation to offer an electronic news service, accessed via e-mail, said John DeVilbiss, executive director of Public Relations and Marketing at USU.

The paper version of Inside USU, formerly the Staff News, has been replaced with the online version to save trees and reach more university readers in a timely manner.

“Our dual approach of using e-mail and the Web expands our audience and reaches them in a more timely manner and at a fraction of the cost. Utah State Today will provide a one-stop news source for faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of the university. It will become a familiar voice for the many experiences we share in common at Utah State,” DeVilbiss said.

Money workshop to be for women

A Financial Planning for Women workshop will be held today for Utah State University female students from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. in the Family Life building, Room 318.

The workshop will focus on investing for college and an overview of tax saving strategies for investing for a child’s or grandchild’s education.

Financial Planning for Women (FPW) is a free monthly educational workshop designed to help women take control of their financial future.

USU seeks award nominations

Utah State University is seeking nominations for honorary degrees and distinguished service awards for 2003 and a commencement speaker for the 2004 graduation ceremony. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 26.

Nominees will be considered for any three awards: Honorary Degrees at the 2003 graduation ceremony, Distinguished Service Awards at Founder’s Day in March 2003 and Commencement speaker for the 2004 graduation ceremony.

Nominators must include the following items for candidates, along with a completed application: a short summary of the individual’s qualifications, emphasizing those considered most meritorious; a complete curriculum vitae; and letters of recommendation.

Paperwork should be sent to Chris Fawson, vice provost for Academic and International Affairs, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-1435