Soccer’s Tracy named top Aggie

Sammy Hislop

Utah Statesman: At this point in the season, this is the most successful Aggie soccer team in school history. What has been the major factor to turn this into a winning season?

Amber Tracy: I think a lot more players have started to play with their heart and not be so individual. Everybody has wanted to win instead of just a few players out there.

US: What is your prediction for the second half of the season?

AT: I’m thinking it’s going to look really good. We are on a high and everyone wants to win. I think it will definitely be positive.

US: What have been your impressions of the new field and scoreboard?

AT: The field is awesome. I think it needs a few more years to become more thick. I love the scoreboard.

US: What aspect of soccer do you enjoy the most?

AT: When everybody comes out and we play hard, it’s just fun. When you are playing the best you can and your teammates are encouraging you and making you feel good, that’s an awesome feeling.

US: What draws you to athletics?

AT: I’ve played athletics since I was little. I was kind of the tomboy who played every sport when I was younger, so I’ve always loved sports.

US: Who started you in soccer?

AT: Probably my mom. She played soccer when she was younger and she was my coach [when I was] growing up. I learned a lot from her.

US: Do you have plans for after college?

AT: I would love to keep playing [soccer] if there is an opportunity.

US: Have you always known health education would be your major?

AT: No way, I never really knew. I came into nursing and I love the health field, so I decided to stick with anything with health.

US: What do you like to do off the field?

AT: I’m excited that it snowed because I love to snowboard. I love anything to do with the outdoors. I love hiking, mountain biking, mountain climbing and I also love to scrapbook.

US: How have you liked having your sister Emily on the team?

AT: I’ve loved it. It’s just been tons of fun. Both of us are just like, ‘Hey you need to pick it up’ or ‘Hey you need to do this.’ I am always just trying to give her pointers to help her out and she is very supportive. I think I play well when she is there because she is so supportive of me. Ever since we were little we have played together.