LETTER: The world needs love


This letter is written in response to Shang Hun Lee’s letter on Wednesday, Sept. 25.

While I’m in agreement over many points established in the letter, I feel it necessary to clarify something to everyone who has not studied or does not remember United States history.

The United States has had many wars within her boundaries. It was with war that the United States became a nation (Revolutionary War). It was because of war that Washington, D.C. burned (War of 1812). It was over slavery and other things that brother fought against brother and father against father (Civil War). These three wars were fought on American soil – two of them against foreign opponents and one with our own people.

I now wish to apologize if what I say next offends sensibilities of anyone.

9/11/01 was not a war. It was an attack. Many people died in that attack, but many more would have died if it had been any time else. People die all the time. They die from famine, war, murder, old age, terrorist attacks, stupidity, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and any number of other reasons. In any sort of war or terrorist attack, while there are soldiers who die, civilians are always lost on both sides as well. This will continue until everyone realizes there is no happiness in hatred and differences must be worked out with love and understanding.

War sucks, but until that time, it’s going to be the norm.

Again, Shang Hun Lee’s letter was very well written and had many good points. I am thankful many of those things were said. Let us raise a new standard of love to all the world starting with our small campus and from here spread it to all the world. We have the great opportunity of having people from many other countries to show the world it is possible to resolve differences without death and hatred. Once we show love, peace will follow.

Jim Brown