Zundel named top Aggie

Jason Turner

Utah Statesman: With the team goal being to qualify for nationals, and with the potential this team has, would anything less than a trip to nationals be a disappointment?

Mitch Zundel: I would have to say the team is set in its goal. Yesterday, we had a very difficult workout, and everyone knew that it was probably the workout of the season. And we wanted to focus on it with nationals in mind. It’s a goal that everyone’s got and we badly want to make it.

US: Talk about your experience at nationals two years ago when you qualified as an individual.

MZ: It was an awesome experience, but I told myself there [at nationals], that I would not go without the team again. I didn’t want to go as an individual ever again, because it wasn’t the same. Without having my teammates there to stretch with, to warm up with, to joke around with, it was all just too intense for me.

US: What are some of the things the team does to bond or increase team unity?

MZ: Before each meet we’ll have a little party, like the night before we leave. We’re always laughing and joking around. We try to keep the humor involved on our team. We also do a good job of pushing each other along.

US: How much noise around the country do you think your win at the UC Riverside Invitational generated?

MZ: I don’t think it generated any, actually. Just looking at the polls today, I think they gave us one more point than we had last week. We’re not even ranked in the top 30, which is very surprising. I don’t think the nation knows our potential as a team, and I don’t blame them for the fact that we’ve never been to nationals.

US: You guys have always packed together well at meets. Do you set a goal pertaining to the time gap you want your top five runners to finish within?

MZ: We don’t set goals of that nature. Our goals are more individual. Obviously, everyone on our team wants to win. It should be their goal, and if it’s not [it should be]. As long as we’re ending close together at the finish, then that’s all that matters.

US: What are some of the things you try to do to make running enjoyable?

MZ: There are some practices you just got to take serious. Enjoyable, you can enjoy it – it’s all in your own mind if you’re enjoying it or not. We like to take the trails a lot, especially this year we’ve being focusing on finding the trails up in the mountains. That’s been really good. That always makes it more enjoyable.

US: Have you ever considered running in a marathon?

MZ: Maybe some day. It’s not my goal right now, I’ll tell you that much.

US: If money were no object, what would you do for a living?

MZ: I’ve been thinking of that question a lot lately, being a senior and all. I just enjoy being with lots of people, and I enjoy being around people. I don’t mind leading groups of people. I don’t know, to be honest. There’s no quick answer to that.

US: What is the craziest thing you’ve done in your life?

MZ: I’d say get married, but my wife would probably kick my butt. The craziest thing? … I’ll probably think of something when I leave. I went running down a hill that was steeper than steep with the cross country team. It seemed crazy at the time; I could have died.

US: Is there one person in your life that you admire more than anyone and why?

MZ: There are a lot of people I admire. There’s is a lot of people who have influenced my life, especially friends. My wife has influenced my life, and I admire her for that. My coaches have influenced my life, as well as co-athletes. [However], trying to pinpoint one in particular is impossible.

– jasonwturner@cc.usu.edu