LETTER: Politcs shouldn’t be wasted


I am deeply interested in politics and plan to vote this year, as I have in all the years past. I read the New York Times, Deseret News, Herald Journal, and even The Statesman.

It is astonishing when I talk to the students on campus, some hardly know about the current international problems with the Middle East, Germany and France. People know little of President Bush, and I have yet to hear anyone mention the lawsuit against El Paso.

What makes everything worse is knowing only a total of about 50 people will get far enough into The Statesman to read this.

I don’t expect people to read every newspaper, and not even as many as I read. But aren’t we citizens of an entire planet?

It is easy enough to turn on a TV and simply watch the news, but nobody in this age bracket is even interested enough to find out what is happening with his own neighbors. And yet we yell that this world is going to hell in a handbasket. If it does, it will be for the neglect of the rising generation.

There is reason to be distressed when only 10 students will even listen to a governing official. Yet, the NBA sells out every game. We are a generation that likes to be entertained, nothing more. We deserve the society that is staggering and politicians who favor large businesses, we are the silent majority.

Bill Miller