
Swasey makes second consecutive female ASUSU Athletics Vice President

Jim Higgins

For the second time in as many years, a woman fills the position of Associated Students of Utah State University Athletics vice president.

Shelly Swasey, a senior from Price, Utah majoring in public relations, is in the drivers seat and is ready to make things happen.

“It is pretty unique to have two female athletic vice presidents in consecutive years,” Swasey said.

Swasey ran for the job last year and won by fewer than 50 votes.

She knew she would get through the primary election because it was only her and another candidate.

In the October/November time frame, Swasey said this is when she knew she wanted to run. She had been working on the athletic counsel and enjoyed making things happen.

After winning, she went straight to work.

Swasey spent the summer working with ASUSU President Celestial Bybee in getting a new recreation facility.

The facility, which has been four years in the making, will be done in the next month.

“[Swasey] and I both worked on it,but it is something neither her nor I can take credit for,” Bybee said.

Swasey is not content with stopping there. She has a list of ideas which she is currently working on.

“I want to increase school spirit however I possibly can,” Swasey said.

Swasey’s ideas include a “Meet the Athletes” event on the Quad, a date auction, a celebrity-style jeopardy bowl game, a big bash at First Dam, helping to put together a two-minute video clip of athletic teams to be played before STAB movies and increasing publicity, funding and recognition for all sports, including the club teams.

Her main focus on increasing publicity is partly underway.

With the renovation taking part in front of the Merrill Library, the brown bulletin board was removed.

Before it was thrown away, Swasey got possession of the board. She now plans to paint the board blue, put a white “A” on the top of it, put it in a central location and fill it with the athletic schedules so people will know when the next game is.

She said her main challenge with the board is getting the approval to do this project and get it up before the snow hits.

“People are bending over backwards listening to my crazy ideas and letting me run with them,” she said.

Bybee said, “I am so excited about all the things she is doing. I know she will follow through. I love the enthusiasm she brings to her job.”

Swasey’s enthusiasm for her job stems from her love of sports. She quit her job so she could focus on her grades and her ASUSU position.

Bybee said Swasey was really optimistic about the football team’s chances when they were in Iowa to support the team.

Bybee said Swasey would go on about how if the running game got together or if the defense played their best game, the Aggies could win.

“[On the trip,] I did my homework while Shelly watched Sportscenter and read sports magazines,” Bybee said. “I love our sports, but not the way Shelly loves them. She has her other teams, but the Aggies come first.”

Bybee believes Swasey is effective because she gets energy from her job and then turns around and gives it to others.

“She’s good at her specialty and that’s sports,” she said.

Swasey does this job “specifically for the passion and the drive.” After this year at USU, she plans to focus on obtaining her master’s degree in sports management from the University of Massachusetts.

This will help her get to her ultimate destination as a recruiter.

“My ideal dream job is to recruit for a football team,” Swasey said. “I want to work more in the NCAA because there is more passion and less politics. I have always enjoyed college-level sports the most.”

Swasey attributes her love of sports to her family. Being the youngest child of four, Swasey looked up to her brother.

Because she played football with him instead of playing with dolls like her two older sisters, she considers herself to be a tomboy.


Shelly Swasey, this year´s ASUSU Athletics Vice President, poses in her office. (Photos by John Zsiray )