affirmative action

Dear editor,

(I’m sorry about the previous submission, I slipped as I typed…)

Have you ever been affected by Affirmative Action? I haven’t. And I’ll bet big money that affirmative action has never been a big issue in the life of either point/counterpoint writer. Let’s look at what we have here: Two white males at an open-admission university in Utah–Affirmative Action Central (The sarcasm in my voice is not coming through here.)

Now, I enjoyed the articles. They were well-written. But maybe it would have been good to get an “ethnic minority’s” opinion on this. Or maybe, someone could have talked to a “victim” of Affirmative Action’s so-called reverse discrimination. I was frustrated to read so much argument about a topic so far removed from either writer. I doubt that either writer was ever accepted or rejected for emplyment or at a universty because of their race, gender, religion, etc. In how many hiring decisions is ethnicity a factor? In how many admissions decisions at USU was ethnicity a factor?

Let’s bring the opinion page to Cache Valley. Discuss issues important to us, even if their not interesting topics for your most recent poli-sci essay.

Ricky Fielding519-17-2316(435) 770-8569