USU band is Original

To the Editor:

I have a few things to say in response to DeVon Griffin’s letter to the editor (September 25). Try having 15-18 credits, being a non-music major, working part time and being in band. That sums up about 60-70% of the band. Now try finding time to memorize music after you have been in class all day, followed by band, and then working and homework What about all of those people that are also in other ensembles? That’s a lot of music to memorize. The letter your brother wrote was in response to the first football game against the Utes. Time was a factor there because there was two bands playing, plus promotions. Did you see the Ute band doing anything spectacular? They stood still for one song and their second song was their fight song. We had a whole show done. Our wandering on the field was a way to accommodate the Ute band getting off of the field and keeping in the time constraints.Our band is full of people who are here because we like marching band. We like the music, the drill and Dr. Roher. Dr. Rohrer is a great guy who listens to his students and treats us with respect. If I have a problem, I can go to him; I don’t have to write a letter to the editor. Our band is original. We don’t have to be like every other marching band out there to have a good time. We aren’t stressed to memorize music, and can relax by wandering on the field. I don’t want to be a Ute or a Cougar. I definitely don’t want to be back in high school. I’m proud to say I’m in the Aggie Marching band. So if you still have problems with how our marching band works, then my advice to you is don’t watch us. Or at least have the decency to say it in person.

Briana StahlColor guard section leader andTreasurer of Kappa Kappa Psi

750-6259Student #:169646590