COLUMN: The wearing effects of a social sedative.

D’artagnon Wells

Excuse me for a few AP-influenced inches while I allow the vivid sagacity of my mind to spill and mix with the rest of those that feel obligated to share their drivel with the world.

The last thing most people want to hear about is 9/11, yet that seems to be the lively topic prancing about the tongues and lips of any American with a pulse this past year.

In my opinion there are four major groups the people of this country have stumbled themselves into:

There are those who are still connected to the Novocaine drip of naiveté and refuse to allow such an atrocity to influence their lives.

Others that have by some accident removed the IV from their arm and are trying hopelessly to insert it back so they may enjoy the mindless bliss of the other drones.

Then there are those who feel obligated to theorize and talk in an ignorant stupor about the monstrosities of war.

And don’t overlook the last, less seen and heard group. The group that has thrown off the burdens of the Novocaine and stepped to the bar and taken action against those who would destroy the freedom experienced by the numb and long-winded.

Lately, with all the different people talking about, and yet still managing at the same time to ignore 9/11, it’s just boiled my blood to the breaking point where I just have to yell, “WAKE UP!”

Our nation has passed our crossroads. The issue is no longer “Will we go to war?” it has become “Are we prepared for war?” Because, whether you are off the sedative drip or not, the concepts of our nation’s future have been forever changed.

Individuals of this nation, regardless of his or her ethnic origins, need to ask themselves, “Am I, as an American, prepared for this war?”

We need to, as a social family, drop the disgusting shroud of race that covers our every action like rancid cheese cloth and unite against the forces, which hold no value on life nor liberty, that seek to destroy not just our beloved nation but all that is decent and pure.

In a letter to Wayles Eppes, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “If ever there was a holy war, it was that which saved our liberties and gave us independence.”

May I be so bold as to say that if there is ever a reason for a holy war, it is that which will save our liberties and preserve our hard-earned independence? The independence that was bought with the blood and life of generations on the very soil we live.

Why is it that this great nation fears war? Is this not a cause? Is this not a reason to fight for the preservation of freedom?

The United States was delivered a pot shot by a sect of ignorant, self-righteous cowards. A sect tired of being alone in their misery and wanted some company in the gutters of apathy.

A group that knows not peace because it refused to find it, has lashed out, driven by its hunger to inflict others with its pain. How can we just sit and allow the cycle to perpetuate itself?

It is my conclusion that the time has come, the line has been drawn, and in the words of the Doors, the time to hesitate is through.

D’artagnon Wells is a junior majoring in public relations. Comments can be sent to him at