LETTERS: Truth needed for columns


I am writing you concerning Ben Nichols’ statements in the Sept. 11, editorial. I am concerned with what was printed as information and how credible those comments are. I do appreciate the well-presented story that was initially printed. However, this editorial lacks the quality I expect from the student newspaper writer.

I talked with Lisa, the head of Parking, to obtain background information on what occurred. One e-mail was sent, not “countless.” I know personally Parking listens to suggestions to fix problems, and with that they do their best to remedy the problem. As in this case, Parking and John are working things out.

One bit of information was left out that changes the basis of the complaint. The track team is responsible for parking during athletic events. A simple misunderstanding that Aggie Village residents can have an Economy permit in addition to the Aggie Village permit has led to the present situation. Parking made the correction to avoid the similar incidents.

I advocate for the student. Yet when any student with shaky claims makes statements, public or personal, I don’t stand for that. Even in an editorial, I suggest credible quotes and information are found before more views are distorted.

Matt Ekins

ASUSU Student Advocate vice president


This letter is in response to the “Statesman Soapbox” written Wednesday by Ben Nichols. There was clearly no attempt made to be informed on the issue at hand. The column was severely lacking in journalistic integrity. It is evident to anyone who knows anything about Shane Sessions that the only research done on this article is to read the incorrect information the paper printed and then draw irrational conclusions. President Hall is right, our admission standards are obviously way too low.

The column isn’t even worthy of a high school paper. I’ll let Sessions worry about himself, he doesn’t need my stamp of approval. The world would be done a favor if this topic had been researched. In the true “Billy Madison” fashion, we are all dumber for having heard this opinion.

Michael Monson