COLUMN: Police: Fix Parking

Ben Nichols

Police: Fix parking

I would like to ask the campus police to open their eyes and start doing their job. I am a resident of Aggie Village.

Parking has been a problem for a few years now and it really needs to stop.

Sessions told The Statesman no matter what happens either Aggie Village residents or people parking are going to be unhappy.

Well, wouldn’t it make sense for the people breaking the law to be unhappy, and the residents who pay for their spaces to be happy?

When a person speeds and receives a citation, that person isn’t happy. But guess what? He broke the law and deserves what he gets. A cop isn’t going to avoid giving a traffic violation because it will make the person breaking the law unhappy.

So, do the job and make sure they can’t park there.

Session also said 99 percent of the time it is not a problem. Obviously, he is not a resident of Aggie Village. It happens all the time.

Sessions mistakenly said Aggie Village residents are prisoners of Aggie Village. We have rights, and one of our rights is to park in the space we paid for. We have lives and we like to do stuff around the community. We shouldn’t have to plan our schedule around Utah State events.

A suggestion for Sessions will be to do your job and make sure this doesn’t become a bigger problem.

The parking problem needs to be fixed. Aggie Village residents have suggestions to help this problem.

For example, why doesn’t housing assign house numbers to parking spaces?

I know Sessions receives countless e-mails with suggestions on the problem, but I am really starting to think he deletes them as soon as he receives them.

We can figure this out in a calm manner, possibly by having a meeting with security, housing and residents so we can solve this problem and so ALL sides of the story could be heard.

The campus police need to stop making excuses and start doing their jobs. I believe if this were a problem with the single dorms, it would have been solved years ago.

The residents at Aggie Village pay for their spots. The non-residents who park in the spots violate the law. Something needs to be done about it, like maybe a ticket.

The Aggie Village residents are just asking for their rights to be understood. Sessions needs to start acting like a professional.

I don’t mean to blame Sessions, but since his comments were used in the story, naturally he would take the heat. I really think we can solve this parking problem if the residents, the campus police, the housing and the administration get together and figure out the best alternative. That way, residents at Aggie Village can enjoy their stay while attending USU.

Ben Nichols is a junior majoring in broadcast journalism. Comments can be sent to him at