LETTER: Democrats get too much coverage


First off, if you aren?t in to politics and you don?t understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats, save yourself some time and don?t read this. OK, now we have heard about the Democrats in the article entitled ?Cache Democrats host annual picnic.? We also heard one Democrat?s views like ?The Democratic Party is going to bring back trust to the American people,? (Dave Thomas). Is he referring to the trust Bill Clinton washed down the bathtub drain when he told us all he didn?t have sex with Lewinsky?And what about the comment ?… Republicans are so disillusioned by the shenanigans of their party,? (Thomas)? Isn?t that implying Republicans and/or their leaders are ?shenanigans?? I find that to be insulting to me. Wouldn?t it be fair if we could get an article about how ?Democrat shenanigans? are and how they can?t decide on who they are going to get for a presidential nominee? Oops, I typed ?Democrat shenanigans,? but I meant to type ?Democrat beatniks and treehugers who bash Bush for not doing anything about the Kyoto Protocols even though Clinton had the opportunity to submit the protocols to the Senate, but he knew they wouldn?t pass anyway.? And I possibly could have typed ?Democrats who won?t support Bush in an attack on terrorists, but then blame him when terrorists do succeed.? There are a few more things I could write about Democrats, but I won?t because I don?t want to go over my word limit and I have probably offended Democrats similarly to the way I was offended. Anyway, could there not be an article on Republicans? views of Democrats or something about Republicans meeting and calling Democrats names or something like that? It would only be fair if there were such an article.

Michael Larson