Fun, Fit, Forever; feeling the burn


You have seen the posters all around campus advertising “FFF.” You have maybe heard that exercise classes are available on campus. But what is Fun Fit Forever?

    Claire McConkie, the FFF student director, defines Fun Fit Forever as “an alternative to the gym, and a perfect fit for students.” The program is a series of workout classes that are taught every week to create an accommodating way for students to stay healthy. Passes for the semester run at only $25, which is easily half a month’s membership at a gym. “It’s a great deal,” McConkie said, “and it’s really tailored for students.”

    All FFF instructors are certified, and each has a different personality.

“They all bring something different to the table, and everyone can find an instructor that they really click with, in a class that suits them,” McConkie said.

    Classes offered include Zumba, Yoga, Cross Fit, Power Sculpt, and Step. I decided to experiment with the classes, and see if they could live up to the hype. I started out with Pilates, and after a long day of class, work, interviews, and homework, I approached Pilates class begrudgingly and fatigue-stricken. It was only 7:45, but I was fantasizing about hitting my pillow for 9 or 10 hours when I laid out a mat and sat Indian-style. Emily, the instructor, emerged and welcomed us, talking about finding the energy within our bodies, and as I half-listened, I also made a mental list of all the things I had to do when I returned home.

    As we started our first exercise, I found my body instantly becoming engaged. The calm coos of the instructor filling my ears in contrast with the struggle of my muscles to uphold the pose provide a kind of relaxing tension. The pilates are challenging, but not overwhelming.

    “Alright everyone, thank you for coming,” says the instructor. The words come much too soon. That was a full half hour? I need at least a half hour more. But my fatigue is curbed and my core feels tight.

    I venture to Cross-Fit a few days later. The atmosphere is a complete turn-around from Pilates. Energy is sparking throughout the room, upbeat music blasts. We spend an hour in intense circuits – sweating, muscles burning. Seth, the instructor, flits around the room to make sure everyone’s form is correct and we’re getting everything we can out of his class.

    I must have burned a lot of calories in that class, because by the time I make it home, I feel like my body is hollow and I am famished. Of course, I do feel that way often.

    Yoga, one of the most popular classes that FFF offers, is the perfect mix of challenging and familiar. The main focus in this particular class is to raise awareness about the body – what it is telling you and how it is feeling. The meditation at the end put me right to sleep, a sure sign the class is a good one.

    Spinning is my next endeavor. I consider myself moderately in shape – I work out on a regular basis – but this class was genuinely hard. After the 60 minutes of intervals and sprints, my legs are shaking, and the steps to the second floor of the business building seem like an endless staircase. The endorphins from the challenge hit me soon after, though, and I resolve to attend the class again, to build my endurance, and hopefully make my legs look like the ones of the lady spinning next to me.

    Kickboxing comes last. Emily Smith, the instructor, is about 5’0” of pure energy, and keeps the class upbeat and energized. The class is a great cardio workout – especially if you pretend like you’re in Fight Club while executing each punch and kick.

    After a few days, a couple of side effects – including soreness – hit me, but I already feel more energized, more toned and motivated to continue to attend classes.

    What do other students think about FFF?

    Emily, a senior in civil engineering, said, “The classes are oriented towards students – either in the morning or evenings, only 50 minutes long, on campus, and they are fun!”

    She said she participated in Fun Fit Forever before becoming one of the instructors.

“I wanted to continue to be involved in the program,” she said.

    Alexa Jensen, freshman majoring in special education, said she just started taking Fun Fit Forever classes this semester. She said she found out about the program during her week at SOAR, and has been going ever since.

    “It’s easier to do this than to go to the gym. You have a teacher pushing you and showing you the right ways to do the exercises, and it’s a lot more fun than just going to the gym,” she said.

    Sammy Robinson, who is a freshman in nursing, said she found out about FFF through SOAR as well. Her advice? “Even if you don’t feel like working out, you need to make yourself go. You love it once you get there.”

    The FFF classes provide a great alternative to taking exercise classes (for credit) on campus as well.

    “With FFF, you don’t fail a class after not attending a few times. You go whenever you feel like it, and whenever it fits your schedule. That whole convenience factor is huge,” McConkie said.

    So take it from me: Fun fit forever will bring your fitness to the next level, and at $25 a semester it is arguably the best workout deal you can get.
