LETTER: Cashiers don’t need to apologize

Dear Editor,

I would like to echo the remarks about forced exposure shouldn’t be tolerated made in the letter to the editor published Wednesday. I was glad the petitions were placed between the Pride Alliance display and the Cashier’s Office where I need to go to do university business. In my opinion, the Cashier’s Office didn’t need to offer an apology. I would have requested the same thing if I had been placed in the same situation. I certainly didn’t enjoy having that display there. I didn’t look at the partitions as being discriminatory toward the display, I looked at it as being a good solution for both parties. The display stayed where it was (which I found to be an odd place) and the employees at the Cashier’s Office didn’t have to look at it. Again to echo the letter’s words, “should diversity and sensitivity be one-sided?”

Tresa Riggs