Students at USU need to grow some tolerence

The letters in response to the article on National Coming Out Day were absolutely atrocious. How dare someone complain about homosexuals getting a front page article! Yes, both writers claimed to have no problems with gay people, but let’s just be honest for a moment. You all know that if the article had been about equal rights for women or civil rights issues concerning minorities, there would have been no letters to the editor complaining that there are no days in celebration of men or caucasions. The only reason these letters were written was because the article was about homosexuals. Sadly, this is a big problem on this campus. Tolerence is something that a great many of you out there need to learn. Yes, you may not agree with someone else’s lifestyle, but do not judge or ridicule someone for THEIR life choices. Their life is NOT yours! Just remember that ignorance leads to fear, which leads to hate, which leads to violence. So learn to be accepting of others. When you get out in the real world, tolerence will do nothing but help you in the long run.

Shannon Bergevin(435)512-8049