LETTER: Involvemnt is the key to recognition

Dear Editor, After attending Utah State University for several years, I have repeatedly heard students complain that the variety of students involved in leadership positions on campus is lacking. Many notice that leadership positions spill over from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Institute and Greek System on campus. While these groups are only a section of the student population on campus it appears that these students receive the majority of recognition, while many other outstanding students go overlooked. For those who are bothered by this, may I offer an explanation and solution? First, it is common sense that the reason you see the same faces in so many different areas on campus is because they are the ones who are willing to sacrifice their time and get involved. And while not every student wants to be part of ASUSU or student government, I can easily say that there is something for everyone here at USU. Currently there are 281 clubs here on campus. These organizations represent student interests from fashion to those suffering from insomnia. They are varied from formal to informal and every club is always looking for members. For those who are involved and simply lack recognition, there is a solution for you, too. For more than 40 years USU has been honoring students who are actively participating in the student community of USU with the Robins Awards. Held every spring, the formal ceremony is regarded as the most prestigious event on campus. While the president and other dignitaries attend the event, it is also open to all students. Students are invited to attend the awards as well as nominate those who they feel are deserving of the distinguished recognition. This is a great way for departments, organizations and individuals to be honored for their accomplishments over the past year. If you are interested, participate in Robins now. Currently nominations are being accepted for every category. Nominations can be made over the Internet or in person in the Taggart Student Center. I encourage every student to improve his or her college experience by getting involved here on campus.

Mica McKinney