LETTER: You fell for Blue Jeans Day again!

Dear Editor:

You guys fall for it every semester. If you even have to make a conscious decision whether or not tot wear blue jeans on “Pride Alliance Day,” then you play right into their hands. Blue jeans are nothing more than garbs of distraction. What better way to create controversy and recognition than to turn blue jeans into scapegoats. People become unwitting supporters when they warn friends not to wear jeans or it marks them as gay. (This demonstrates a measurable amount of observance.) Unwitting supporters also include people who write articles in response to family values or if homosexuality can be found in nature. Today’s recognition and observance may become tomorrow’s acceptance. (The Christian influence on Roman society comes to mind – the more the Romans suppressed and opposed Christianity, the more it grew.)

This self-proclaimed day of recognition by the Pride Alliance means nothing. Turning blue jeans into flags of support (or non-support) and recognition is just plain silly. In the future, non-supporters would be smarter to just ignore this psychological pseudoholiday and turn to things bigger and better (i.e., instead of reading about blue jean-related topics for three weeks straight).

Patrick Berry