LETTER: Snow crews have done a GREAT job

Dear Editor,

While some complain of the snowy/icy sidewalks in Logan, and still others complain of the slippery walkways on campus, I would like to give a HUGE “thank-you” to the men who get out there and do the work! Working in Housing, I’m grateful that when my residents and I go to class every morning the sidewalks are clear. Someone has to do it.

Thanks Physical Facilities!

When I get to campus, the main walkways are snow free and I can walk safely to and from my classes. I sure didn’t shovel those walks in the early morning cold, so thanks, Physical Plant. While some of the “minor” walkways aren’t scraped completely, most of the walks where the students travel are clear of ice and snow. Some places are slippery. We live in snow and we have to get used to that fact. If we just slow down once and a while, falls can be avoided. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but the days it snowed really hard, I saw at least five men out there with shovels scraping the walks by the TSC and in Aggie Village.

I don’t know who those men are, but again, a huge thank you to you for trying to keep me and the rest of the student body safe. Thank You.

Ashlee Taylor