LETTER: Pride Alliance needs some PR help

Dear Editor,

I am very disappointed with the recent actions of the Pride Alliance. It needs a lesson on public relations. It seems to me that it likes to do whatever it can to get attention for its cause. When it gets negative attention it claims it is being persecuted. Take, for example, the whole issue with the divider. If I am not mistaken, if the employees view that material as sexually offensive that can be considered sexual harassment. That means that they could force the school to take it down. Instead they compromised and put up a divider. Let’s try to be kind to one another. Let’s not try to do things that we know will create anger and resentment. We should be kind to our fellow men, but we also should not try to bring them to anger. I do not support gay marriage and will forever be opposed to it, but that doesn’t mean that I hate everyone who is gay.

John Mulholland