Disability Resource Center asks Legislature for money

Will Bettmann

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is battling for funds yet again.

Last Wednesday, a contingent from Utah State University, led by DRC Director Diane Hardman, pled its case before the Utah State Legislature.

The USU group was joined by disability service groups from universities across the state also facing budget difficulties.

The problem arises from the fact that Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), which has in the past provided up to 50 percent of the DRC’s operating expenses, has begun pulling funding.

According to Hardman, VRS provides services to disabled people all across the state, and is under its own budgetary constraints.

Hence, VRS has decided it is unable to continue to pay for higher educational services, which it claims is USU’s responsibility in the first place.

“There may have been tensions between us and VRS in the past,” Hardman said. “But now we’re just trying to cooperate and coordinate.”

This year, VRS is providing 50 percent of the funding it has in the past, but that will drop to 25 percent next year, and then to no funding in two years.

The DRC lobbied the Higher Education Appropriation Committee of the Utah State Legislature, chaired by Sen. Lyle Hillyard, who resides in Logan.

Hardman said she felt the commitee was receptive to the group’s pleas for adequate funding.

“The governor seemed supportive; the legislative analyst was supportive; some members of the committee were supportive. But then again, we’ve had that in the past and then not been funded,” Hardman said.

Because of the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA), USU is federally mandated to provide disabled students access to higher education. USU and/or the state Legislature will have to find the money somewhere for the DRC to remain in compliance with federal law.

Hardman requested anyone interested in the issue contact Hillyard at 752-2610 before Feb. 10, which is the last date for comments on this issue.

Hillyard himself was unavailable for comment.

Other senators can be reached via the Legislature’s Web site at www.le.state.ut.us.

The Senate roster, available by clicking the Senate link, includes a list of every senator’s home address, telephone number and e-mail.