Campus and Community Briefs

Classroom Tech gets new leader

As Technical Services Supervisor for Utah State University, Mike Brazfield plans to redefine Classroom Technical Service’s role.

He is aligning his goals with President Kermit L. Hall’s and wants to put academics first by being more conducive to the needs of the faculty and students, he said.

Denise Conover, a lecturer in the history department, was part of the comittee charged with hiring the new Classroom Technical Services Supervisor.

“As a committee member and a faculty member who uses audio-visual material, I found Mike’s selections to be very exciting. He has spent years conducting research on what constitutes sound pedagogy in conjunction with instructional technology,” she said.

Students help clean Logan Park

Utah State University’s student chapter of the American Society of Lanscape Architects (ASLA) will assist in the clean up of Baer Regional Soccer Park site Oct. 12.

Mike Petry, chapter president, said, “As a chapter we want to be involved in the community. Being a part of this project allows us to see the implementation of a design as we train for the profession and give back to this community.”

The ASLA students will be joined by USU’s landscape and kayaking club to remove concrete, debris and garbage from Ballard Creek and the Blacksmith Fork River in Logan’s newest recreation property site, located between LeGrand Street and 1700 South.

Members of the public are invited to stop by during the project to pitch in to observe. Members of the ASLA chapter will answer questions.

AAA recommends car ‘eye exam’

Drivers can safeguard the need for good visibility by regular vehicle maintenance, according to AAA Utah.

Windows should be clear, clean and unobstructed by decals, dark window tinting or objects that interfere with the driver’s view of the road.

Windshield wipers should be changed twice per year to ensure the rubber remains soft enough to efficiently remove water, snow and road grit from the glass surface.

Vehicle lights, including headlights, brake lights, turn signals parking lights, emergency flashers and the center, high-mounted brake light should all be inspected regularly and replaced immediately if needed.

Mirrors must be clear, large enough and correctly angled to provide a complete view of all areas behind and to the side of the vehicle. Check for objects inside or outside the vehicle that may obstruct mirrors.

Students to be mock legislators

The Utah State University delegation of the Utah Intercollegiate Assembly, a mock student legislature, will soon be forming. Applications are available at Student Support Services in the Taggart Student Center.

UIA is a student organization established by the Utah Student Association. UIA delegations from all universities and colleges in Utah, both private and public, prepare resolutions designed to improve student life. These resolutions are then presented in a legislative format in the chambers of the Utah House and Senate in the spring.

Interested individuals from all majors are invited to apply. Applications should be turned in to Student Support Services, Mike Waggoner (executive vice president for the Associated Students of USU), or Jeremy Kidd (USU delegate chair) by Friday, Oct. 18, 2002.