
USU lacrosse readies for season


Last Friday was a cold one for sure, especially out on the HPER field where the clouds threatened rain for a majority of the day. While the normal reaction on such a day would bebeen to stay inside and cuddle up with a blanket, the scene on the field didn’t exactly match the ideal image. The field was laden with sticks, nets, and several shoulder padded men sprinting across the grass and working together to jettison a ball passed opposing goaltenders, so focused on winning their game that they weren’t even paying attention to the ominous whether. Welcome to the world of competitive lacrosse.

    “I really enjoy the sport,” said David Mercer, head coach of the USU lacrosse club. “I’ve played football and baseball. I ran track and field and numerous other sports. But lacrosse is simply the most exciting sport I’ve been involved with.”

    The USU lacrosse club team opened their fall season Friday with their annual alumni game, featuring several players from past USU teams. Both teams braved the cold well, with the Aggies edging the alumni team 13-11.

    Mercer feels his team has potential to win if they work out a few kinks.

    “There is definitely a lot more talent here than we’ve seen in the past,” he said. “Our goal now is just to get everyone to commit and come to practice. If we do that we’ll have a winning record.”

    The Aggies start off another season strong with a solid core of upper class players like senior goaltender Andy Davidson and junior Matt Taylor, a former midfielder who is being moved to the attacker position this season.

    After finishing with a 5-6 record last season, the Aggies hope to improve with a new and improved defensive core led by returners Kyle Hardy and Zach Hoopes. The team is looking to play at a high-octane level on what is already a fast-paced game. Dallin Payne, the USU team captain, said he feels his squad can match up well against almost any opponent.

    “We seem to get stronger every year,” Payne said. “If we could pick up a few more solid players we could really do well this year.”

    Payne said the team could struggle early in the season because of depth concerns. A normal lacrosse team will have around 20 players; the Aggies are currently at 12.

    “If you don’t have enough players it’s really not worth playing,” said Payne. “Lacrosse is run a lot like hockey. There is a lot of subbing in and subbing out. If you don’t have the right amount of players the other team will tire you out really quick.”

    Despite being shorthanded, Mercer said the Aggies have a great chance at being successful.

    “If all goes well I expect us to win,” he said.

    The USU lacrosse club has made a strong impact on past players as well, including Hans Winkler, 33-year old USU alumnus who grew up in Maryland playing high school lacrosse. He later played for North Carolina for one season, then after a stint in the military, he transferred over to Utah State where he played for the lacrosse club from 2001 to 2006. He now lives with his wife and children in Dayton, Ohio and came to Logan last weekend specifically for the alumni game.

    Winkler said his love for the sport is what has kept him playing all these years.

    “This is the fastest thinking man game I know, certainly the fastest game on two feet as it is,” he said. “You learn how to do so much at once and just have blast. It’s an awesome game.”

    Winkler said he also loves the camaraderie and team environment off the field.

    “It’s so much fun to travel and just bond with the guys,” said Winkler. “Lacrosse teams aren’t the biggest squads like football or other sports, so you really come together and really become a family before long.”

    Winkler also encouraged USU students to get out and support the club.

    “If you come on out you’re going to see some of the best athletic plays ever,” Winkler said. “You’ll see some of the biggest hits, some of the fastest plays, and non-stop excitement. No matter whether the ball is on offense or defense you’ll always be up on your toes watching.”

    The USU lacrosse club will begin their series of fall scrimmages at Utah Valley University on Nov. 6, and will hold frequent scrimmages until their home season opener against Montana on March 12. Coach Mercer will also be holding a meeting Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. in the HPER for those interested in playing lacrosse.

    – steve.schwartzman@aggiemail.usu