Don’t label Sigma Nu without knowing what you’re talking about

Dear Editor,

This letter is in reaction to the recent letter to the editor “Sigma Nu disappoints.” The Greek system has always been under the critical eye of those who are on the outside looking in. I think this comes from the fact that people don’t truly want to understand what we are all about.

If someone judges Sigma Nu for posting a sign on a tree, this letter writer obviously does not understand what Sigma Na is really all about.

Sigma Nu has been, and currently is, very involved in the surrounding community. For all those who have forgotten, let me remind you that Sigma Nu won the Val R. Christensen service award two years ago, so please don’t preach to us about community service.

I also find it very interesting that the author of the letter “Sigma Nu disappoints” has a grandfather who was a Greek and during his time ran the school newspaper. Let me repeat that: “ran the school news paper!” If people want to negatively label Sigma Nus, please do so without being a hypocrite. The fact that this person who wrote the article about how we should better ourselves by not posting party flyers on trees is very hypocritical. I find it funny how someone can tell us we are defacing trees and showing disrespect when the paper that their grandfather once ran and the paper that their letter was written on is made from trees. If you don’t like us or don’t agree with the things we do, that is fine, but don’t label us as bad people when you know nothing about who we really are as people and know nothing about what the honor of Sigma Nu stands for.

Justin Kearns