ASUSU budget up, but no increase in student fees

Brian Carter

Brian Carter , Staff Writer

Funding for Associated Students of Utah State University programs will increase next year without an increase in student fees, said ASUSU President Ben Riley.

“With inflation and growth things always increase in cost,” Riley said. “It’s really worthwhile to have funding to accomplish your goals. But we knew there was a short-fall, and we forced some cutbacks.”

Funding for ASUSU comes from student fees, currently $24.75 per semester for full-time students.

“We’re stewards over those dollars and have to take that responsibility seriously,” said Gary Chambers, assistant vice president for student life.

This year Riley said funding for the Poetry and a Beverage program and lobbying efforts were cut back.

As a result, ASUSU approached Chambers to help increase funding for ASUSU programs without increasing student fees. Riley said Chambers helped find ways inside the system to redirect funding for student activities.

“A fee increase is an easy answer but not a good response,” Chambers said. “We first identified where dollars are being spent and cut back on some of the expenditures of the past.”

Some of the changes made include reduced staffing during summer months and relying on an account created from excess funding in past years, Chambers said.

An increase in enrollment is also expected next year that will increase funding for ASUSU.

Chambers said planning for the future is also important.

“If there are things you can budget and plan out it is prudent,” Chambers said. “Let’s plan long-term instead of doing it in the same year.”

Riley said Chambers helped find ways for ASUSU to increase the amount of services without increasing student fees.

“I feel really good about this,” Riley said. “It is a win-win situation.”

“We will not look at a student fee increase,” Chambers said.