LETTER: Environmentalists are hateful

Letter writer

Dear Editor,

Wow! The hateful letters have already begun against President-elect Bush’s nominees for cabinet members. One nominee has been bullied into withdrawing by those who claim to be in favor of being “understanding,” “compassionate” and “tolerant” (i.e. liberal activists). For what horrible pattern of actions has she been viciously attacked? Why, for the simple reason that she took in someone less fortunate than herself, giving her a place to live until she got back on her feet.

Another hateful letter was printed in the Statesman recently, probably copied in multiple college newspapers around the country by environmental activists on campuses. It shouldn’t surprise me, I suppose, that such hateful propaganda has begun against someone who favors rational environmental policy.

Most radical environmentalists tend to become hateful and even violent (like spiking trees, causing some loggers to lose limbs) when someone DARES disagree with them.

Apparently, if any one of us does not devote our lives to the quasi-religion that radical environmentalism has become, we are not fit to breathe the same air as them.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that most of the radicals who author letters like the one that appeared in the Statesman have probably never met the individual they so ruthlessly attack, yet they feel competent to declare to the world (or at least USU) that she is not human, that she apparently hates every living thing on the planet and so on.

As I said, it shouldn’t be surprising to me that such drivel would be put forth by radical environmentalists, as they are so fond of hyperbole, regardless of facts.

Somehow, though, I keep hoping that those who love to advocate “getting along with nature” would learn to get along with their fellow man, even those who disagree with them.

I do plan on going to a national park in the near future because I enjoy it, not because I fear some illusionary environmental holocaust that radical environmentalists are obviously afraid of.

Jeremy Kidd