OUR VIEW: Wednesday is last chance to vote

If you’re reading this before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, put down the paper, log onto your Webmail and vote.

Maybe you’re tired of elections and you think that not voting will be your way to protest. Maybe you’re tired of having to take an alternate route on campus to avoid the candidates and their handouts. You might be tired of the signs that have filled virtually every window on 8th East. You might even be tired of the Statesman staff urging you to vote.

But by 5 p.m. tonight, it will all be over. If the results weren’t what you wanted, and you didn’t vote, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if not voting is your way of rebelling, based on past voter turnouts, voting is actually the progressive thing to do.

Picking a qualified representative isn’t time consuming. You can access the ballot from at least three different places on the web. The most obvious is your Webmail account. The process is fast, easy and relatively painless.

You can log in, vote and submit your ballot in less time than it will take to skirt around those A-frames or decide if the sugar rush you could get from a handout is worth the spiel you’ll get on a candidate’s goals.

Student fees have never been higher; the enrollment problem has not been completely corrected; credit card machines still run slowly. All problems that can be fixed by voting in the right people and then holding them accountable for the positions they hold.

So go on and vote already. That nagging feeling you’re forgetting something will go away, the candidates will disappear from campus sidewalks, and if you vote for the right people, so might some of the troubles that plague campus. But only if you vote.