OUR VIEW: Can you feel the pressure?

If you’re reading this, you’re holding a copy of Friday’s Utah Statesman in your hands. You can see the photographs and the stories and the errors you love to point out to your friends.

But what you don’t see are stir-crazy editors, students like yourselves, throwing papers and books on the floor in fits of helplessness, and then crawling under their desks and silently crying – the result of yet another Thursday in a windowless office.

Our mantra: Give us a holiday, or give us death.

Kwanzaa. Hanukkah. Christmas. New Years. Arbor Day. Anything. Anything. Anything.

You’re probably feeling it, too – the weight of the semester’s end resting firmly on your shoulders and causing scoliosis of your spine.

You’re tired, but there are tests. You’re angry, but there are essays. You’re weeping, but there are classes and quizzes and review sessions.

You’re strung out on coffee and Red Bulls and Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.

There’s no time to eat. Just cram.

You are about to snap.

If you’re thinking about using that red-and-green paper chain that counts down the days until Christmas to tie a noose, you’re not alone.

But don’t do it.

It’s not worth it.

Just hold on for a couple weeks.

Remember, we’re all in this together.

Good luck with finals and Happy Holidays.