Mason wins USU athlete of the week

Dan Boatwright

Utah Statesman: How has your freshman year been so far?

Jocee Mason: It’s been really good. I like all my classes, and tennis is going well, and I’ve made a lot of friends.

US: What made you choose Utah State?

JM: A lot of my friends were coming here to school, so I looked into it tennis-wise. And then Coach offered me a scholarship, and I came up and liked the campus and the team. And the team looked like a bunch of girls I could have fun with. The other teams that recruited me didn’t seem like girls I could hang out with.

US: Who are your biggest tennis influences?

JM: My biggest tennis influences are my dad, teammates and coaches.

US: Coke or Pepsi?

JM: Sprite.

US: What is your favorite movie?

JM: “Without Limits.”

US: What is the best advice you have ever received?

JM: You will start winning as soon as you hate losing so bad that you won’t let yourself lose.

US: Who is your favorite person to play tennis against?

JM: Andreas Madesbacher.

US: What is your favorite aspect of tennis?

JM: Just the competition. I really love college tennis because you have to do your individual part, but it also is a team effort. I like both aspects of it.

US: What should we expect from the team the rest of the year?

JM: Hopefully we play really well at conference and win a couple of matches.