Women’s rugby club looks for revenge in Provo vs. BYU

Shereen Saurey

The Utah State women’s rugby team is looking for payback as it takes on Brigham Young University Saturday in Provo at 11 a.m. at Steeler Field.

The Aggies lost to the Cougars 10-7 previously this season in a tournament at Boise, Idaho.

“It was the second game of the day. [BYU] had a whole fresh side, and we had a lot of injured players,” said club president Lauren Dreitzler.

Dreitzler and field captains Patti Kohler and Becca Ogden said the team is ready for revenge.

“We’re feeling very motivated,” Dreitzler said. “All of us are very excited to play them again.”

“It’s all about revenge,” Ogden said.

“Regardless of what [USU] team it is, when it’s USU vs. BYU, we always want to win,” Kohler said.

So far this season, the Aggies have lost just one game.

“Our last game against BYU was the only team we’ve lost to,” Kohler said.

“We’ve been doing really well this season,” Dreitzler said. “We have a lot of new girls and have just been doing really good.”

USU will host a tournament April 21. The University of Utah, Weber State University, Boise State University and Pocatello will participate. The team welcomes anyone who would like to play.

“If people come to practice, they can play next Saturday,” Kohler said. Practices are held at the HPER Fields regardless of rain, snow or shine.

“There are no snow-outs in rugby,” Kohler said. Practice is from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.