Sunfall CD a mature treat

Steve Barfuss

  Sunfall Festival, a band out of Provo, is releasing a new album after having won’s unsigned band contest.

  “Monday 23” comes after high praise for the band’s debut album. In 1999, Late Night With Conan O’Brien named Sunfall as one of the top-10 college bands.

  The first song on the CD, “Someone’s Favorite Song,” sets maybe an overdramatic tone for the album. The string section for this song is really good – I would have preferred more of that to the electronic sounds blended in. This album has the feel of waking from sleep, with dreams not quite ended but stolen by a return to reality.

  The follow-up song is really catchy. The lyrics leave you feeling freedom, like you’re leaving all problems and stretching for that new horizon, but you realize yesterday was better than today.

  Ed Stasium, producer for Mick Jagger, The Ramones, Talking Heads and Joan Jett, called Sunfall Festival’s “I Walked Away” “A memorable, charming, up-tempo tune … I like it fine just the way it is. End of discussion.”

  Skipping to song six, “What it Feels Like,” is great. This song is a leap for the band, which steps out of its normal sound. The song begins really mellow and builds with some great guitar distortion. This song has an early Radiohead sound to it. The vocals really capitulate it, taking it higher than anything else could have.

  “Sugar,” song seven, comes with the grace of early-morning love. The haunting lyrics to “stay” are a desperate attempt to hold onto yesterday when it’s already past.

  The songwriting on this album is mature and well thought out. This is Sunfall Festival’s third release and will be available to fans Monday. The band will perform at Johnny B’s in Provo Tuesday. For more information, check out the band’s Web site,