A-Week raises $10,000 for toddler, family

Prudence Marra

The Utah State University Alumni Association raised more than $10,000 for a handicapped toddler and his family during A-Week.

Nathan Sanders fell into a coma at five months and is now confined to a wheelchair.

“Because of the horrendous amount of medical bills, Randall Sanders, a USU student, had to put off his studies for a while to care for his son,” said Jessie Wooly, vice president of service for SAA.

By the end of A-Week, more than $2,000 had been raised at donation tables in the Taggart Student Center, and students from Logan and Skyview High Schools had donated $3,000. A dance Friday night raised another $2,000.

“There was over $10,000 raised during A-week, and it all goes to Nathan’s family,” said Erin Cowles, vice president of SAA.

For information on how to donate to Nathan Sanders and his family, contact Cowles at slvmk@cc.usu.edu