
Getting to know the new ASUSU president

Natalie Larson

Steven LeRoy Palmer is a president for the masses. He wants Utah State University students to know he really does care and wants to serve them as Associated Students of USU president, according to his wife, Amy Kindred Palmer.

Originally from Salt Lake City, Steve Palmer went to Hunter High School. He enjoys the outdoors, playing soccer, eating Mexican food and playing the guitar. His favorite color is navy, and almost half of his clothes are that color.

Steve Palmer said one of his most embarrassing moments was with his first kiss. He said he was a junior and had gone with some senior friends to the junior prom. At the end of the evening, his date surprised him with a kiss on her doorstep, but after she went inside, he was so elated he knocked himself out briefly by hitting his head on their swamp cooler.

“This story has been told by 1,000 different people, so I might as well get it out in the open,” Steve Palmer said.

He used to be the lead singer and guitar player for a band called the “Blue Kilts.”

Before he ran for office, Steve Palmer said, “I don’t think I fully understood what a president did. My eyes have been opened to a lot of the things that go on behind the scenes. It’s impressive. It’s more than I thought it would be.”

Amy Palmer said she’s been surprised at how many meetings, phone calls, e-mails and invitations are sent to him before he was even sworn into office.

“He’s got an exceptional leadership style that I admire very much. He’s approachable and people love being around him,” Amy Palmer said. “He’s professional, loyal and kind, and has a unique ability to bring people together. He will do a great job representing the students and working with administration.”

Next year he’ll be a senior and will graduate with degrees in finance and economics.

“It’s not much for conversations at dinner tables, but it’s a good way to get started on a graduate degree,” Steve Palmer said.

Steve Palmer plans to go on to a graduate program after he finishes at USU. He might get his MBA and become an entrepreneur. He’d like to be his own boss.

“I see my experiences as a way to learn. They make me a better person,” Steve Palmer said.

He said he’d always thought he’d serve in a public office. He decided to run for president two years ago while serving as the Extensions vice president.

But, he got married in December the next year and decided to postpone his plans.

“A few weeks after, I found that I still had quite an interest in running, and I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t,” Steve Palmer said.

He said he thought he would have a hard time running because he is a non-traditional student – being married.

“I ran so I could feel for myself that I had given it my best and walk away from the university with no regrets,” Steve Palmer said.

He said he feels he is qualified for the position and doesn’t doubt his own ability.

“ASUSU has done a tremendous job this year in particular with trying to meet the needs of students. I plan to continue this,” Steve Palmer said.

He said he would like to take ASUSU to students.

“He’s very ready to jump in and do a fabulous job. He already has a great understanding of his responsibilities and knows how to accomplish them,” Amy Palmer said.

He plans to do this through programs including the Student Advisory Council that will be a sounding-board for ASUSU.

The council will be composed of about 20 students from a variety of clubs and organizations. Steve Palmer said he would like to take legislation to them and have them review it. He would also like the council to write legislation of its own.

“We will not have an enclosed group in the third floor that deals with student issues without student input,” Steve Palmer said.

He said his day typically starts at 7:30 a.m. and he stays on campus until late in the evening. He’s on about 20 committees and has been following former president Ben Riley around to all his meetings. He said in the past three weeks, there have only been two days when he hasn’t worn a suit.

Amy Palmer said she’s expecting not to see him very often next year, and maybe she’ll have to bring his meals to his office so he’ll make time to eat.

“I am not worried about our relationship at all. Steve is so considerate, caring and supportive and I know that he’ll still take good care of me. Of course many of our dates may have to be presidential functions and banquets,” Amy Palmer said.

On April 13, Steve Palmer became a part of the Board of Trustees.

“This speaks a lot of the kind of commitment our administration has to the student body to let them have a voice on things,” Steve Palmer said.

“I’d like to tell students to have faith in their student leaders and believe in the system of getting things done. A student voice is heard more loudly on this campus than at any university I know of,” he said.

He said most of the best ideas come from students who want something to change.

Steve Palmer said he is open to any questions, comments, concerns or ideas students may have. He’d like them to contact him through e-mail at palmer@cc.usu.edu or call his office at 797-1723.

“I’m not afraid to tackle the issues that are tough to address,” Palmer said.