ORC rents equipment for summer fun

Natalie Larson

Students and staff looking for a less expensive way to get gear for outdoor recreation may want to check out the Outdoor Recreation Center.

The ORC is located east of the Stadium and west of Aggie Village on 1000 North. It rents a variety of outdoor equipment to Utah State University students and staff. Renters don’t have to be enrolled for the summer, but do need USU ID.

General rates for two- to three-day rentals vary between $3 for small things like water jugs and $14 for a four-man tent.

A complete price list and other information can be found on the ORC Web site at www.usu.edu/orc/home.html or call 797-3264.

Water gear is typically rented by the day and the rental includes all the accessories like paddles. The center rents canoes, kayaks and rafts. Kayaks will be rented for a special price in April and May – $10 for a day and $15 for a weekend.

Jeff Hanson, a rental shop attendant, said they clean all the equipment when it comes back. Everything is mostly new within the last couple years. The sleeping bags are sent out with liners that are cleaned after each use. Tents are scrubbed out and dried.

“We expect it to come back clean. Everything is kept very clean and ready to go,” Hansen said.

Hansen said the center also has information about the Logan area, offers workshops and helps coordinate group trips for discounted rates.

“Everyone who’s hired here are dealing with outdoor recreation in their school and we have staff training so everyone has a good knowledge base of what they’re dealing with. We’re all very qualified to give information,” Hansen said.

Hansen said he recommends reservations for equipment – especially water equipment – should be made a few days in advance for weekends. The center typically doesn’t have anything immediately available on weekends.

“Fridays are always crazy. The canoes are gone every weekend. Weekdays it’s not so important to reserve for,” Hansen said.

The ORC will be having a used equipment sale on April 28 from 9 a.m. to noon. There is a price list for the sale items on their home page.

There is also a used gear board posted on the ORC home page. To post something, e-mail the center at orc@cc.usu.edu.