No Visas?

I registered for my classes today for my last semester here at USU. While registering I found two things that bothered me. The first has been discussed several times in other letters to the editor, and I won’t dwell on it too much. The first problem was with the Quad itself. I started trying to register at about 7:30 this morning thinking that that was early enough for a senior to register. Wrong. I received capacity errors, expired session warnings, and, of course, just a very very slow system (and I have high speed internet service). Something definitely need to be done about that. I know there is this new plan that is going to be implemented in the next few years, but what about right now? The second problem I encountered was the one that bothered me the most. USU no longer accepts Visa credit cards. By far them most widely used and accepted credit card in the world is no longer accepted here. To me this doesn’t make any sense. But what’s worse is that they never bothered to tell anyone. I never received a letter from USU informing me that they know I’ve used a Visa in the past to pay for my tuition and that I would now have to find another way to pay for it. I never saw a notice anywhere stating this. I never even saw an article in the Statesman that warned students of this bright new policy. So, thanks to USU, I will have to come up with a new way to pay for my tuition. Whoever came up with this interesting idea should have at least had the decency to send out letters to, or inform in some other way, the students that relied on this method of payment in the past. Thanks for the heads up on that one USU!

Brock Griffiths787-2596

(don’t publish my phone number or email address please)