USU awards community members for service

Dave Boyle

Four local citizens accepted service awards at the Utah State University/Community Associates banquet Thursday evening.

The “USU/Community Associates” is a nonprofit, service-oriented organization. Logan City’s Coppermill Restaurant catered and hosted the event.

The banquet recognized community and university service completed by four members, Alma P. Moser and wife Kay Moser, and Richard Thomas and wife Viola Thomas. USU/CA bestowed a “USU/Community Associate Award” to each couple.

Each couple qualified for the awards based on its noted service.

The Mosers are members of the Old Main Society. Kay Moser was instrumental in the establishment of the North Logan Library, and she currently works as president of the auxiliary of the Utah League of Cities and Towns.

“Kay and I are a team, and she is the team leader,” Alma Moser said.

In addition to eight years on Logan City Council, Alma Moser served as mayor of North Logan for eight years. He attained membership of the governing board of the Bear River Association of Governments for two years. He’s held a faculty member position in USU’s department of mechanical and aerospace engineering for 40 years.

“[Alma] has worked really hard to serve Logan,” Kay Moser said.

“[Kay] supports everything I do,” Alma Moser said. “When I was mayor, she got most of the calls. I got a few.”

The Thomases have conducted community business and government service in Logan for more than 40 years.

As members of the Jaycees, they helped convince voters to support funding of the Municipool. When they saw 60,000 gallons of raw, untreated sewage being dumped into the river system west of Logan, they helped create Logan’s current sewage treatment system.

Viola Thomas thanked the organization for the award.

“My wife deserves this award the most,” Richard Thomas said.

Hendricks also addressed the audience, urging them to help keep Logan safe.

“We’ve instituted a zero-tolerance policy for crime,” Hendricks said.

He said the key to effectively carrying out this policy lies mainly in prevention. He said the Logan City Police Department prefers preventing crimes to curing them.

He counseled everyone to help prevent crime by getting to know the friends their children associate with.

Children, he said, may be good when with parents but bad when with friends.

“I wish you the very best of luck with your kids. Never give up on your kids, because you’re never allowed to give up as a parent,” he said.

He also advised the group to lock their houses, take valuable possessions out of automobiles and otherwise generally care for personal peace and safety.

Jay Richards, a Cache Valley composer, and his ensemble presented entertainment to wrap up the occasion.