LETTER: What are general authorities?

Dear Editor,

I had a question in relation to the article in your March 7 issue, which referred to the revealed name of the “Mormon Church” as the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” although it is acceptable to refer to the “Mormon Trail” and “Mormonism,” “Mormon Tabernacle Choir” and “The Book of Mormon.” Dallin H. Oaks, who said it was OK to call him a “Mormon,” was referred to in the article as a “general authority.”

Can you or one of your readers give the revealed definition of that term? Does it mean he’s an authority on everything in general? If so, how did he come by such a depth (or breadth) of knowledge? Or, perhaps “general authority” is similar to a military rank in “the church.” I would certainly appreciate your help in clearing this up for me.

Dave Axford