Pride! Alliance was attacked


In his claim that “the Republicans didn’t attack at the Traditional Marriage Rally,” Gabe White himself made a blanket attack on the Pride! Alliance. He also failed togather relevant information before writing his letter.

Yes, Pride! Alliance was approached once by the College Republicans about holding a debate on marriage. While we are very willing to discuss this important issue, we declined their offer because the Speech and Debate team had just recently held a very high quality debate on marriage. We felt both sides were well represented in that debate and, therefore, a repeat debate would only be redundant.

As for the traditional marriage rally, I personally did not attend because as it is, I experience prejudice and belittling in my everyday life. I didn’t want to attend an organized rally where I knew these sentiments would only be amplified. It is unfair and untrue to say that all of Pride! Alliance only solves our problems with others by shouting at them. I believe the best way to come to a resolution is for both sides to sit down, talk in a civil manner, listen to what the other side has to say, and arrive at a mutual understanding. I would be happy to sit down with anyone and have a fair, objective discussion about why I support same-sex marriage and how I am denied civil equality in my own country.Sarah BenantiCo-President of Pride