ASUSU and Presidend Hall fail to inform studentbody!

Dear editor:

In response to the Editorial entitled, “If students remain silent they deserve what they get” I would just like to open peoples eyes of what went on and why only 30 students showed up for the tuition increase meeting. First of all, the meeting has not been mentioned to the student body since ASUSU approved the tuition increase. That was on March 28, 2001. The tuition increase has not been publicly announced since that date. That is over two weeks prior to the meeting that it was not publicized. The only way I found out about the meeting was by searching the archives of the statesman. Everyone that I spoke with wanted to attend the meeting but couldn’t find out when it was. It was interesting that every issue of the statesman prior to the meeting had President Halls face on the cover, but no mention of the meeting. It is my opinion that someone doesn’t want the student body involved in this tuition increase. Don’t tell me that President Hall is meeting us half way. If President Hall were meeting us half way then the tuition form would have been announced to the student body prior to the meeting. Just like they announced a basketball game or a dance the day before. The host of the meeting is responsible to publicize the meeting, and President Hall failed to publicize the meeting. ASUSU also failed to announce this meeting to the student body. They only found out by an E-mail sent to them the day of the form. Puppets in the hand of a master, don’t you be deceived.

Thank you,

Jeremy Smithslp2z@cc.usu.eduPO BOX 411 PROVIDENCE ,UT 84332753-8118you can get my student number by calling me, I don’t want to send it out over the mail system.