Our View: Service is good for the server this season

The weather outside is frightful, and infinitely more so for those who can’t afford to heat their homes.

As students we tend to get down on ourselves, lumping us all into a group called “poor college kids.”

The truth is, most of us are not poor. Compared the majority of the world, none of us are.

We know books are expensive, time is tight and by this time in the semester we’d rather just sit around feeling sorry for ourselves but it’s the holidays, we can and should do much better.

No matter what holiday you celebrate, this is the time of year to reach out and help others. Think of it as a chance to make up for what a jerk you’ve been all year.

The university even makes it easy for us. There were Sub for Santa donation jars all over campus and even a bus to stuff; the Service Center has a large selection of activities to choose from giving all the chance to reach beyond ourselves and do something good for somebody else.

We’re not trying to come down hard on everybody. We’d just like to encourage you to take the opportunity to make the holidays better for both ourselves and those less fortunate.

Don’t convince yourself that you can’t do enough to make if worthwhile. The smallest act of service can make a world of difference of someone in need.

So as you rush around, trying to get everything organized so you leave town for the break, take the change left over from buying gifts for your friends and family and drop it in the Salvation Army Bucket. Even better, talk to one of the many service clubs on campus and find out how you can be a part of service all year round, beginning next semester.

You’ll feel a fire inside that truly is delightful.