ASUSU finalists announced

Greg Johanson

When the political dust settled, two names had surfaced as the winners of the primary elections for Associated Students of Utah State University President: Steve Palmer and Taylor Leavitt. The announcement came after a longer-than-anticipated wait. Some extension offices did not send in their results at the deadline, and by 5:30 p.m., the crowd of more than 400 students who had been waiting 30 minutes was starting to get upset. When an election official announced the results should be ready in another 10 minutes, the crowd booed the official.

Lynn Kowallis, a Ricks College transfer who is a sophomore with an undeclared major, said he really enjoyed how the elections took place. Kowallis said, “The fact that you could change your mind as often as necessary” until the end of voting at 4 p.m. Friday is what made the elections go smoothly. He also said at Ricks, candidates offered less information – fewer handouts and A-frame displays.

Bryce Baxter, a candidate for Arts & Lecture vice president, said, “I think Utah State is very fortunate in the fact that there are so many quality individuals to choose from in each of the offices. No matter how the elections turn out, Utah State will be able to keep moving forward with the council that is chosen.”

Baxter said this is probably the main reason so many students turned out for the results.

Patty Welch, an interested bystander, said many students who didn’t show up were not directly involved in any campaigns.

“I think most people who are here are students who want to be involved in the university,” she said.

She also said she wasn’t sure if the excitement would continue, because it might be relative to who won.

During the next week there are some important dates to keep in mind, especially for those who are interested in the outcome of these elections. The presidential debate will be at the Sunburst Lounge noon today. The LDSSA-sponsored forum will be at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Institute cultural hall at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. The Greek-sponsored forum will be in the Hub at noon Wednesday. Final voting will begin at 8 a.m. Wednesday and end at 5 p.m. Thursday. The new ASUSU council will be announced in the Sunburst Lounge at 6 p.m. Thursday.