Don’t look for TP at B-ball games

Landon Olson

The USU Athletics department turned down Michael Shipley’s bid to restart the throwing of toilet paper at the beginning of basketball games.

“I was so stoked on toilet papering at one of the basketball games,” Shipley said.

Toilet paper has not been tossed onto the court since the late 1980s or early 1990s.

After meeting with the Athletics department, Shipley said they decided not to bring the toilet papering back.

Shipley said though he pushed as much as he could with Athletics, the negative consequences – like a technical foul – of toilet papering could be too great.

Shipley said because of this downside, he took a back seat to what Athletics and coach Stew Morrill thought was best.

Shipley is good about discussing with athletics anything that could have negative effects or be controversial, Pugmire said.