Lacrosse team begins season

Aaron Davis

The Utah State men’s lacrosse team will scrimmage the Universtiy of Utah tomorrow night in Salt Lake City.

Students can attend the game for free. It will start at 6 p.m. at the “bubble” on the university campus

According to Tyler Berkey, Aggie midfielder, the scrimmage will not count for or against the Aggies’ record.

“Basically this game is to give us an idea on what we need to improve on,” Berkey said. “It will give the newer guys the experience they will need for the tournaments we have coming up in March.”

The team will travel to Arizona and then to San Deigo, Calif., to play teams from all over the West.

Though it’s just a scrimmage, the team is taking this game very seriously and plans a balanced attack on offense led behind Paul Larkin, Jason Lambert and Tyler Berkey.

“We’re going to have to play all-out. The Utes have been a tough team in years past, and were going to have to really play hard to be victorious,” Berkey said.

The team has been practicing for the last couple of months on Wednesday nights and will also be prepared defensively. With Behrman Warner at the goal and Rob Ward in the backfield, the Utes will have a difficult time scoring, Berkey said.

“We have four returning seniors this year,” Berkey said. “With that kind of experience and all the practice, it should be exciting and hard hitting.”